(Although not yet finished, here follow the acknowledgements for the maps.)

The basis was a Dutch Railways leaflet for winter 1976/77; this was scanned on an Agfa scanner and further processed using "PixelFX!" (commercial software). These scans were further processed, augmented and heavily retouched using "Adobe Photoshop" (commercial) and "xpaint" (free). Finally, using both Photoshop and xpaint the single scan was transformed to a sequence of GIF files. Using an ad-hoc utility created by Adri Steenbeek at CWI to show differences between GIF files, continuity was obtained (using such a difference I could transform one image such that the difference was an intended difference). Finally different animated GIF files were created using both "whirlgif" (Unix) and "GifBuilder" (MacIntosh). The results were shown to be reasonable both on SGI (my work machine) and on MacIntosh (my home machine). I hope you are as satisfied with this as I am.